Some trends in the territorial distribution
of employment in Bulgaria by sectors after the economic and financial crises of 1996-1997
Diljana Stefanova, PhD
Institute of geography - BAS
This paper reports the summed up results from
an analysis of the territorial distribution of employment
by economic sectors in Bulgaria for a
ten-year period (1998-2005). Employment changes
for each sector have been traced, based on the
A17 „NACE.BG“ – 2003 nomenclature. Some
trends and degrees of employment change within
this 10-year period have been outlined. Each sector
under consideration and the employment in it
respectively, have been researched and represented
from the point of view of both their territorial distribution
and their trends of development. Based
on the method of cluster analysis the main types
and groups of sector employment have been outlined.
As a result some important regularitis in
the territorial distribution of employment by economic
sectors for the 1996-2005 period have been