The present Global Warming began after the end of the last Global Cooling

Prof. Dr.Sc. Georgi Baltakov
Geology and Geography Faculty
“St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia

In this paper the author makes an overview of the global climatic changes during the last 10 000 years. It is emphasized that this period can be divided into cycles of cryo-phases and thermo-phases with duration of approximately half a millennium. The present global warming relates to a substitution of the cool phase (cryo-phase), known as “Little Ice Age”, or “Vernau”, with a new thermo-phase, which we have actually entered during the 30thies of the XX century. There is some indirect evidence, that the present climatic situation can be perceived as a Geologic/Geographic phenomenon, similar to the Viking Thermo-phase in Medieval Time, when even Greenland had been settled by Normans. The author argues that human intervention to “correct” the natural pace of change using modern technological equipment may bring to contingent outcomes. Instead, humanity should step forward to adaptation of societies and production to the present global warming.