The Toponymy in Anastas Ishirkov’s
Scientific legacy
Pelo Mihailov
Agricultural University – Plovdiv
This issue, is the second part of an article with the same
title, that will be published in the collection „State and
problems of the Bulgarian onomatology“, volume 9. In
the present text, new-found analysis in the field of toponymy
by the professor in geography Anastas Ishirkov
(1868–1937) are included. They are dedicated to the studies
of the names of the Dobrudja region, the river Osam
and the Bulgarian towns Elena, Shumen, Nesebar etc.
Ishirkov’s attempts at explaining the origin of the names of
the towns Konstantsa, Isakcha, Thessalonike, Ochrid, etc,
are also included. For the first time, texts found at Anastas
Ishirkov’s private records, are published here.