Educational Technology for Project activity with ICT in Learning the National Parks "Serengeti", "Amazonian", "Yellowstone" at 6th Grade
Dochka Radeva
Teacher of Geography
Public school “Dobri Voynikov”, Sofia
The article presents a variant of an educational
technology for project activity with ICT to learn the famous protected natural
objects in Africa, South America and North America - the national parks Serengeti, Amazonian,
Yellowstone. Although the project activity is not involved in the normative
document - the programme, the author proves the possibility to involve it in the Geography
education at the 6th grade trough the constructed by the 12 years old students’
products - five presentations and two films.
These products contain arguments for the integration of web based and presentation technologies
in Geography education and for the specific content about the national parks, which is interesting and valuable for the student.