Expected results
The project explores topical fundamental issues (global changes, karst evolution, geosystems and geosystem approach, etc.), and the results of these studies have a practical value (solving global impacts problems in conducting sustainable development policies for highly vulnerable karst territories). Therefore, the project is of a new type which, according to the National Strategy for the Development of Scientific Research in Bulgaria (2017-2030), is aimed at directed fundamental research (applied science and purely fundamental science). They are related to current societal challenges, and practical benefits and long-term applications are expected.
The most important results of the project related to new knowledge are
- Enhancement and further development of the concept of karst geosystems with research results in different types of karst;
- development of a theoretical model of the system of global changes that impact karst;
- approbation, in the context of specific research, of the ProKARSTerra paradigm, developed as a model for integration of scientific research with solution of practical problems in karst territories;
- verification of the Integrated Monitoring Model MIKS based on conducted studies in the model geosystems, incl. with the new instrumental monitoring systems built under the project;
- update of specialized methodologies for research of elements of karst geosystems;
- created and processed original databases from specific project studies, incl. from modernized and expanded research networks;
- further development of specialized information systems of karst geosystems (karst cadastre);
- development of theoretical hypotheses and models for the impacts of global changes on the development of model karst geosystems;
- analyzes and evaluation of the feedback - the impact of karst on the system of global changes;
- current trends in global climate and their impact on the karst on the basis of new data;
- analyzes of the carbon cycle in its various aspects, clarifying the role of karst processes and geosystems in general taking into account seasonal variations and their fluctuations/deviations, and the impact of global changes.