More important scientific-methodological, educational and practical contributions of the Laboratory
(published in scientific journals and presented at international scientific forums)
- An original ProKARSTerra paradigm was developed as a scientific methodological platform for systemic karst research;
- Experimentally developed Integrated Monitoring of Karst Geosystems (MIKS);
- Established scientific networks for integrated monitoring of representative karst systems;
- Compiled structural and functional models representative of different types of karst geosystems in Bulgaria;
- Developed models of microclimate and ventilation mode of representative cave systems;
- Compiled models of karst denudation and contemporary karst genesis in representative karst geosystems;
- Established correlation between radon anomalies in the cave air in the Bacho Kiro Cave and the contemporary tectonic and seismic activity; proposed model for a specialized underground station in the cave;
- Experimentally developed model of socio-economic monitoring (SEM) of karst territories;
- Developed model for cadaster of karst geosystems;
- Compiled model for management of protected karst territories;
- Experimentally Developed and Approved Specialized Learning Strategy ProKARSTerra-Edu with International Initiatives:
- International Competition "Karst under protection – gift for the future generations" - 4 editions (2005, 2012, 2015, 2019)
- Traveling school of karst: (2015, 2017)
- International Karst Competition – “Karst - the Last "White Spots" on Planet Earth” (4-9 August 2019, Bulgaria)
- International Year of Karst (2013 proposal, under development through the implementation of the strategy's initiatives and the discussions and decisions of the scientific forums). - Designed and experimented innovative forms of training and education about/through karst, using interdisciplinary research methods and experiments in a real karst environment.
- As a result from ongoing integrated monitoring of show caves dangerous concentrations of ??2 and radon have been found (constant or periodic during the year). On the basis of worldwide experience, expert opinions have been prepared and sent to the relevant managing institutions with prescriptions for measures to ensure safe work for the cave personnel.
- In connection with the proposal of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for the establishment of a new Technical Committee "Karst" (TC 319 Karst), in 2018 the Laboratory through NIGGG-BAS prepared a scientifically grounded opinion, on the basis of which Bulgaria, through the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BIS) became an official observer in the Committee, while NIGGG-BAS accepted the invitation for active participation in BIS.
- On the basis of the accumulated experience, the Laboratory has prepared a project proposal "ProKARSTerra-NET: Scientific-practical Network for sustainable development of karst territories in the context of global changes (on the example of model karst geosystems)”. It could be a basis for the development of a new European strategy for karst territories. The proposal, was discussed and supported in 2016 in the Directorate “Environmental” in Brussels. It will be the subject of talks at the workshop prior to the conference in Sofia (ProKARSTerra`2019).