International scientific and practical forum
Protected Karst Territories – Lifelong Learning
In 2015 Bulgaria and the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NIGGG-BAS) hosted for the third time an International Scientific and Practical Forum about protected karst territories (ProKARSTerra’2015). The previous two forums discussed various scientific-methodological and practical issues, related to karst research namely:
- Protected karst territories - conditions, problems, perspectives (18-21 October 2005, Shumen, www.prokarstterra.bas.bg/forum2005), 41 papers were delivered under the conference title "Êarst under Ðrotection – Gift for the future Generations"
- Protected karst territories - monitoring and management” (17-21 September 2012, Shumen, www.prokarstterra.bas.bg/forum2012), organized by the Experimental Laboratory of Karstology îf NIGGG-BAS. 56 papers were delivered (including 5 plenary ones) under the motto„Protected karst territories – Bridges to the Future”
The Forum , organized again by the Experimental Laboratory of Karstology îf NIGGG-BAS, was dedicated to protected karst territories and education, training and promotion of karst – a natural phenomenon of wide spread and very high, but still underrated educational potential. It can be effectively realized through integration of the modern educational strategy of Life-long education with the latest scientific advances in Karstology and Speleology. That ensures continued public interest, particularly among young people, who will be responsible for the future sustainable development of karst areas.
The ProKARSTerra`2015 forum was held under the motto Protected Karst Territories – Lifelong Learning, included several International events:
- International competition “KARST UNDER PROTECTION – GIFT FOR THE FUTURE GENERATIONS” (Third edition, April 30, 2015, www.prokarstterra.bas.bg/competition)
- TRAVELING SUMMER SCHOOL OF KARST (UNESCO - Program for Participation 2014-2015) (Northern Bulgaria, July 22-31, 2015, www.prokarstterra.bas.bg/forum2015/travelling_school2015.html)
- International scientific and practical conference „PROTECTED KARST TERRITORIES – EDUCATION AND TRAINING” (September 23-26, 2015, Sofia, www.prokarstterra.bas.bg/forum2015) with Scientific trip „Karst pearls of the West Rhodopes in Bulgaria” (September, 27-30, 2015)
This forum ProKARSTerra`2015 held promoted the efforts to understand better karst environments in Bulgaria which are slightly known by the World community. Bulgarian karst occupies wide territory of this country (1/4th of its land) and is unique in its diversity. This makes it and ideal natural laboratory for research and training. We hope it will soon be much more attractive, including for young people.
The Organizing Committee thanked all participants in the events of the forum ProKARSTerra`2015, as well as partners and sponsors. It was very emotional and positive experience for both participants and organizers.
Up to new meetings in Bulgaria in 2019 at the next scientific and practical karst forum.
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