In 2019 in Bulgaria will be held latest International Scientific and Practical Forum for karst: "Protected karst territories – Legislation, Tourism, Monitoring" (ProKARSTerra`2019) under the motto "Protected karst territories - islands of sustainable development". The Forum is again organized by the Experimental Laboratory of Karstology at NIGGG-BAS and includes:
- International competition "Karst under protection – gift for the future generations" - Fourth edition (Deadline for participation: April 14, 2019)
- First international competition for pupils "Karst - the last "white spot" on the Planet Earth" (August 2019)
- International Scientific-Practical conference "Protected karst territories – Legislation, Tourism, Monitoring" (September 9-13, 2019, Sofia)
- Post-conference scientific excursion "Karst masterpieces in the poorest region of the European Union" (September 14-17, 2019)