- Karst and integration between science and education:
- - Modern scientific concepts in Karstology – place, role and importance for education and training. Integration between the scientific concept about karst geosystems and the educational concept of “Lifelong Learning” – status, problems and perspectives.
- Place and role of protected karst territories (PKT) in education and training:
- - Cognitive and academic-educational importance of PKT. Educational resources of PKT. Inter-institutional coordination. International cooperation – the network of PKT: contemporary challenges and innovations.
- Didactic and pedagogical significance of karst in school education:
- - Karst themes in the methodologies of teaching different subjects. Interactive teaching about karst. The interdisciplinary role of karst. Development of systematic thinking through the concept of karst geosystems.
- Karst in the legal framework of schooling:
- - Educational strategies, concepts and curricula. Karst in textbooks and school materials. Educational models about karst. Extracurricular form of teaching about karst. Educational projects about karst.
- Karst in University education:
- - Specialized courses, programs, practices, schools, specializations. Professional orientation and realization of young researchers in Karstology and forms of training and qualification.
- Training about karst in system of speleological organizations (federations, associations, caving clubs):
- - Traditions, state and problems. Forms of training. Good practices.
- Training about karst in management and control of karst territories:
- - Training in karst and karst geosystems as a part of the professional qualification of managerial and administrative authorities. Aims and forms of training. Best practices.
- Application of Information and Communication technologies in education and training about karst:
- - State and perspectives. Good practices. Dedicated Web-based networks and sites.
- Karst and UNESCO:
- - Karst sites of the World natural and cultural heritage. The role of UNESCO in education and training about karst.
- Promotion of karst:
- - Promotion of karst – information accessibility and modern forms of mass media. Specialized publications. Contests, exhibitions, competitions.
- Karst in preschool education – challenges, opinions, practices.
- Integrated education of disabled people in karst environment.
- International initiatives:
- International Competition in Karstology (for pupils)
- International Year of Karst