Proceeding of the conference abstracts
Proceeding of the conference with full paper
Protected Karst Territories –
Monitoring and Management,
- Petar Stefanov: Vladimir Popov (1912-1998) - Contributions to the Bulgarian Karstology.- National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Petar Stefanov, Marina Yordanova, Dilyana Stefanova: proKARSTerra - Bridges to the Future. - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Dimitrina Mikhova: Management and conservation of Quasi-national karst park Akiyoshi, Japan. - Yamaguchi University. Japan.
- Noboru Sato, Dimitrina Mikhova: Agricultural activities and “green tourism” in the Quasi-national karst park Akiyoshi, Japan. - Yamaguchi University. Japan.
- Yoshihisa Nakano: A consideration about the local revitalization with the art of the observatory in a karst plateau Akiyoshi, and a circumference area. - Yamaguchi University. Japan.
- Antonín Tůma: Activity Administration of Protected Landscape Area of Moravian Karst (Czech Republic). - Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area Administration. Czech Republic.
- Antonín Tůma: The nature rangers in the Czech Republic. - Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area Administration. Czech Republic.
- Leoš Štefka: The House of Nature of the Protected landscape area Moravský kras (Czech Republic). - Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area Administration. Czech Republic.
- Petr Herman: Insect research, management and popularisation in the Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area (Czech Republic). - Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area Administration. Czech Republic.
- Jaroslav Hromas: Management, protection and care for the show-caves in Czech Republic. - Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Milan Geršl, Dana Hanuláková2, Barbora Šimečková3: The microbial infestation of aragonite decoration in Zbrasov Aragonite Caves (CR) and it´s remediation. - Czech Geological Survey, Brno; 2Microbiological Laboratory IFCOR, 3Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Barbora Šimečková: The Reconstruction of Visiting Route in Zbrašov Aragonite Caves (Czech Republic). - Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Barbora Šimečková: Tradition of visual arts in Zbrašov Aragonite Caves (Czech Republic). - Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Romeo Eftimi: Environmental Impact of Unusual Lowering of Prespa Lake Level. - ITA Consult. Albania.
- Bruno Daniel Lenhare1, William Sallun Filho1,2. Karst studies as a subsidy for occupation and mining activities at Intervales State Park (PEI) and surroundings region. - 1Geosciences Institute, University of São Paulo, Brazil; 2Geological Institute, State of São Paulo Environment Bureau, Brazil.
- Dimitar Vladev, Rossitza Lazarova: Geomorphology of the Shumen plateau. -“Episkop Konstantin Presslavski” University of Shumen. Bulgaria.
- Velimira Stoyanova: Landscapes in the downstream of the river Vrana. - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Georgi Maystorski. Kireka - a religious complex on Madara Karst, Bulgaria. Regional Historical Museum – Shumen, Bulgaria. Bulgaria.
- Marin Nikolov: The tourist route “Rock churches” – contribution to the development of alternative tourism in the National park “Shumen Plateau”. - Directorate of Natural park “Shumensko plateau”. Bulgaria.
- Nino Ninov1, Peter Stefanov2: Morphological properties and specific functions of the soil and soil cover in related to development of the karst monitoring (The Nature Reserve "Shumensko Plateau" Case Study) - 1Institute of Soil research “N. Pushkarov”; 2National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Petar Stefanov: Karst geosystems in the Shumen plateau. - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Romeo Eftimi: Environmental Isotope and Hydrochemical Tracer Methods Used to Characterise the Karst Water (with examples from Albania). - ITA Consult. Albania.
- Helena Vysoká1, Jiří Bruthans1,2, Jiří Kamas1, Milan Jež3: Flow and mean residence time in karst unsaturated zone (Ochoz Cave, Moravian Karst, Czech Republic). - 1Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague; 2 Czech Geological Survey, Prague; 3Marie Hűbnerové 36, Brno. Czech Republic.
- Phil Hobbs1, Peter Mills2: Managing the Threats to the Karst Water Resources of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site, South Africa. - 1Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR); 2Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site Management Authority (COH WHS MA). South Africa.
- Ahmad Afrasiabian, Shirmohammed M.Ardalan: Protection of karst ground water in arid and semi-arid zones in Iran. - Founde of Iran Karst Research Center. Iran.
- M. Janparvar1, Å. Raeisi2, Ì. Zare2: The leakage Potential of Kuhrang III Tunnel during Excavation, Iran - Hydrogeological Approach - 1TOOSSAB Consulting Engineers, Department of Water Resources; 2Department of Earth Science, College of Science, Shiraz, Iran.
- G. Medunić1, Cindrić I. Juranović2, N. Pivčević1, Š. Kampić1, E. Prohić1, G. Goreta3, A. Čobić1: Chemical and textural composition of the Krka River tufa deposits from the Dinaric Karst region of Croatia . - 1Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb; 2Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, 3Krka National Park, National Institute. Croatia.
- K. Papadopoulou-Vrynioti, I. Fountoulis, I. Mitsis: The development of the karstic landforms in the neogene formations in Messinia (S. Greece). - Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironmental, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Greece.
- E. Mitsul, G. Syrodoev: Conditions for development of karst and karst forms in Moldova. Institute of Ecology and Geography, Academy of Sciences, Moldova.
- Alexei Stoev, Penka Stoeva: Influence of the solar activity on structural components of Karst and caves. - Space Research ànd Technology Institute – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Josef Stemberk, Miloš Briestenský: The monitoring of active fault displacements within selected caves across Central Europe. - Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Nikolai Dobrev, Konstantin Kostov: In-situ monitoring of cracks at western periphery of Madara Plateau at vicinity of the historical rock bas-relief. - Geological Institute – BAS. Bulgarià.
- Alexei Stoev1, Penka Stoeva1, Peter Stefanov2: Microclimate of Karst geosystems – research methodology during integrated monitoring. - 1Space Research ànd Technology Institute – BAS; 2National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Jiří Hebelka: Determining the dependence of cave microclimate on external climatic conditions in show caves of the Moravian Karst. - Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Marina Yordanova, Petar Stefanov: Water monitoring in karst geosystems. - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Nino Ninov: Soil monitoring on the protected karst territories in Bulgaria. - Institute of Soil research “N.Pushkarov”. Bulgaria.
- Karel Turek1, Petar Stefanov2, Ivo Světlík1: Radon in caves; trial measurement in Bulgaria. - 1Nuclear Physics Institute, Dept. of Radiation Dosimetry; 2National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Czech Republic, Bulgaria.
- Ivo Svetlik, Karel Turek, Lenka Tomaskova: Application of radicarbon dating for karst research purposes: its possibilities and limitations. - Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, Dept. of Radiation Dosimetry. Czech Republic.
- Dilyana Stefanova. Results from the testing of an experimental model of socio-economic monitoring of models protected karst territories in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Marina Yordanova, Dilyana Stefanova, Petar Stefanov: Basic terms for compiling a methodology for experimental integrated monitoring of protected karst territories - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Petar Stefanov: Model of complex monitoring of karst geosystem Zandana in the Nature Park "Shumen Plateau" (Bulgaria). - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Olga Suldovská, Ivan Balák: The Unified Database of Speleological Objects of the Czech Republic as Part of Nature Conservancy Information System. - Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech republic. Czech Republic.
- Kyriaki Papadopoulou-Vrynioti, George Bathrellos, Hariklia Skilodimou: The development of karstic landforms based on geological-geomorphological parameters. A statistical approach using GIS. - Department of Geography-Climatology, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Greece.
- František Kuda1, Jan Divíšek2, Karel Kirchner2: Terrestrial laser scanning: a dataframe for multiple research in a pseudokarst area, cause study of the Locality Ledove sluje (Ice Caves) in the Podyji National Park, Czech Republic. - 1Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University; 2Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Jan Flek: The System of Specialized Documentation (The Document Code) of the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. - Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Jan Flek: The caves on the postcards from the archive of the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Vratislav Ouhrabka: Formation of the map documentation in Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. - Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Vratislav Ouhrabka: The documentation of scree caves in Teplice rocks (Czech Republic). - Cave Administration of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic.
- Dilyana Stefanova: Experimental models for the collection of systematic information for the socio-economic monitoring as part of the information infrastructure of protected karst territories. - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Daniela Borisova1, Dilyana Stefanova2, Petar Stefanov2. A framework of data management in e-network „proKARSTerra”. – 1Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – BAS; 2National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Alexei Stoev1, Penka Stoeva1, Mina Spassova2: Karst phenomena in the historical development of human civilization. - 1Space Research ànd Technology Institute – BAS; 2Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge - BAS. Bulgaria.
- Nadezhda Ilieva: Karst in the Bulgarian school education: state, problems and perspectives. - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Petar Stefanov1, Dimitrina Mikhova2: An example of the active presence of karst in Bulgarian geography textbook. - 1National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS; 2Yamaguchi University. Bulgaria, Japan.
- Yoshihisa Nakano, Masahiko Iwamoto: A consideration about the picture of Japanese children on the theme of Êarst plateau Akiyoshi (Japan). - Yamaguchi University. Japan.
- Reneta Valkova: Communicative approach in English language teaching about karst". - 137 Secondary school “Angel Kanchev”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Petar Stefanov: Education and karst - some conclusions from the competitions „Êarst under protection – gift for the furture generations“ (2005, 2012). - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS. Bulgaria.
- Dilyana Stefanova1, Petar Stefanov1, Dimitrina Mikhova2: Conceptual scientific and educational model for Karst ("proKARSTerra-education"). - 1National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS; 2Yamaguchi University, Japan. Bulgaria, Japan.