- Increased knowledge of the participants about the nature, characteristics and diversity of karst and karst ecosystems based on specific examples from popular model karst territories;
- Introduction in situ of the practical problems of different types of karst areas through direct participation in workshops and discussions with representatives of the local community;
- Getting acquainted “on the spot” with practical problems in different types of karst areas, including during organized working meetings and presentations with the local community;
- Development skills and competencies through direct participation in demonstrations during the field trip, in field sampling experiments and subsequent laboratory analysis and discussions.
- Development the so called "soft skills" in a natural environment, and especially learning teamwork comprising representatives of different generations;
- Through established contact between participants from different countries, comparing national educational systems and exchange of experience and good practices;
- Provide opportunities of the participants for individual expression of the participants and sharing experiences in a casual atmosphere.
- Active cultural exchange between participants and creation lasting contacts for future collaborations between them.
Given the karst specifics and its pronounced interdisciplinary character, the participating teachers in different subjects and professional specialization will have the opportunity in real conditions of karst areas to discuss options for cross-curricular ties through the topic of Karst.