Participants are invited to present the results of their original research and expertise developed along research projects and best practices. The digital application form with annotations (50-100 words) should be sent until May 31, 2015. The authors will be informed if their papers are accepted until June 7, 2015.
Please note that your completed application form suggests that at least one of the authors must attend the conference and present the respective paper.
Working languages at the Forum: Bulgarian, Russian and English
During the Conference simultaneous translation among Bulgarian/Russian and English will provided only at the general ceremonies and at the discussions during plenary sessions.
- Oral presentation – duration up to 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions. Each presenter will be provided the necessary technical equipment for presentation (notebook computer, projector, etc). Sessions will be led by a chairman, helped by a secretary (all participants of the Conference.
- Poster. Posters will be exhibited during the entire time of meetings. During the poster sessions the authors will present their posters and will answer questions.
Regardless of the form of presentation, all authors should send the full text of their papers until August 23 in a form meeting the stated requirements (please see Paper Format).
General requirements to the papers
Only papers meeting the following requirements will be published, namely:- The paper should meet at least one of the Conference topics;
- Papers should report and discuss unpublished data
- Papers approved by the Conference Committee
- Papers presented within the indicated deadlines (please see Calendar)
- Papers with paid registration fee (please see Registration fee).
Publishing of the papers:
1. Volume of Proceedings (with ISBN number), full-color print (full-color graphs, pictures, etc). The volume will be issued in digital form and will be distributed among participants together with the Conference materials. Papers would not be edited or refereed.
Deadline for submission of papers: August 23, 2015.
Please use the template on the Conference website (“Full paper template”).
2. A book “Protected Karst Territories – Lifelong Education” (in English). Authors selected by the Conference Committee will be offered to submit their works for publishing in this special edition. They will be refereed by independent reviewers. The authors will receive additional instructions about the requirements to the form and layout. The book will be issued after the Conference (please see Calendar). In addition to the selected papers, the book will contain the documents adopted during the time of the Conference.
The website of this forum is constantly updated. Participants are kindly asked to check it periodically to stay informed about new developments.