Paper format

Papers up to 10 pages will be accepted, including annotation, tables and illustrations (bot graphical and pictures), a list of the cited literary sources and a summary. The papers should be in text files in Word/WINDOWS format in one of the working languages (Bulgarian, English. Russian), as the resume should be in English.

The page format should be as follows: Page size: 210 x 297 mm (A4), Orientation Portrait, Margins: top 30 mm; left, right and bottom 20 mm; Type font: Times New Roman; Spacing: Single Spacing.

Pages should not be numbered.

Tables and illustrations should be integrated and cited in the text, with numbering and titles. In tables titles should be above, centrally arranged, while in illustrations they should be under, centrally arranged. All illustrations should be sent as separate files in format .JPG, .TIF or .BMP, resolution 300 dpi. Tales and illustrations are separated by spaces (free lines).

References should b in an alphabetical order and descriptions made according to the bibliographic standard (author/s; year of publishing; title; place of publishing – book, collection, journal; publishing house; place of publishing; pages; language).