- Ñòåôàíîâ, Ï. Ïðèðîäíà ëàáîðàòîðèÿ, óíèêàëíè êàáèíåòè. „Àç-áóêè“, Áðîé 48, 2021 ã.
- Stefanov, P. 2021: Innovations in geographical education? Wasted opportunities. SocioBrains, 78, 624-668 (in Bulgarian)
- Stefanova D., P. Stefanov: Fourth International Competition “Karst under protection – gift for the future generations” `2019 ( results and conclusions). - SocioBrains (International Scientific Online Journal), Issue 66, February 2020, 180-198.
- Stefanov P., D. Stefanova: The First International Competition for students "Karst - the last white spot on the planet Earth" – results and perspectives. – SocioBrains (International Scientific Online Journal), Issue 66, February 2020, 199-230
- Stefanov P., D. Stefanova. 2019: 10 years International scientific and the practical Network ProKARSTerra. Report of the International scientific and practical conference „Protected Karts Territories - Legislation, Tourism, Monitoring (ProKARSTerra`2019, 29 September – 2 October 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Stefanov P., D. Stefanova. 2018: International competition for students „Karst – the last ‘white spot’ on the Planet Earth” – a new form of innovative education for/though the karst. Report of the XXV International School of Nature Protection in Karst Areas (17-19.10.2018, Smoleń, Poland)
- Results of the third edition of the International competition “Karst under protection – gift for the future generation” (íà áúëãàðñêè è àíãëèéñêè)
- Travelling summer scool for karst in Bulgaria - first results (íà àíãëèéñêè)
- Our ProKARSTerra Challenge
- Êàðñòúò â îáðàçîâàíèåòî – ñïîäåëÿíå íà îïèò
- Karst for the Students (íà àíãëèéñêè è áúëãàðñêè)
- UNESCO - Förderpreis für Schulprojekt
- Ceļojošā vasaras skola Bulgārijā
- Îòçâóê
- „ÊÀÐÑÒ ÏÎÄ ÇÀÙÈÒÀ – ÄÀÐ ÇÀ ÏÎÊÎËÅÍÈßÒÀ”, prokarstterra.bas.bg
- Åêèï oò ãèìíaçèÿòa ïo òypèçúì ce âêëþ÷è â ìeæäyíapoäía øêoëa ïo êapcòa
- Ìåæäóíàðîäíà êîíôåðåíöèÿ ïîñâåòåíà íà êàðñòà
- Òðåòè ìåæäóíàðîäåí êîíêóðñ „ÊÀÐÑÒ ÏÎÄ ÇÀÙÈÒÀ – ÄÀÐ ÇÀ ÏÎÊÎËÅÍÈßÒÀ”
- Ìåæäóíàðîäíàòà íàó÷íî-ïðàêòè÷åñêà êîíôåðåíöèÿ „Çàùèòåíè êàðñòîâè òåðèòîðèè – îáðàçîâàíèå è îáó÷åíèå“, Ïúòóâàùîòî ëÿòíî ó÷èëèùå ProKARSTerra
- Auszeichnung im internationalen Wettbewerb zum Karstschutz
- UNESCO – Förderpreis für Schulprojekt auf dem Karstwanderweg
- Saopštenje: Učenici SMŠ „17.septembar“ iz Žabljaka postigli izuzetne rezultate na Trećem međunarodnom likovnom takmičenju „Kras pod zaštitom –poklon za buduće generacije“
- Grand Prix najboljima
- Role of the International competition “Karst under protection – gift for the future generations” in Life-long education (íà àíãëèéñêè)
- Some results and conclusions from the International competition “Karst under protection – gift for the future generations” (in Bulgarian)
- Educational strategy "ProKARSTerra-Edu": integration between modern research concepts about Karst and the educational concept of "Lifelong Learning" (in Bulgarian)
- Exhibition Catalog of International competition „Êarst under protection – gift for the future generations“ (2005, 2012)
- Bulgaria – Protected Karst Territories
- “ProKARSTerra–Edu” – a karst-educational project
- “ProKARSTerra–Edu” – a karst-educational project (poster)
- International competition „Karst under protection – gift for the future generations” as a part of the Educational strategy “ProKARSTerra – Edu”
- Conceptual scientific and educational model for Karst ("ProKARSTerra-Edu")
- Pictures of Japanese elementary school children offered to the International art competition „Karst under protection – gift for the future generations“ (2012)
- Education and karst - some conclusions from the International competition „Êarst under protection – gift for the future generations“ (2005, 2012)
- Conceptual scientific and educational model for Karst ("ProKARSTerra-Education") (in Bulgarian)
- A consideration about the picture of Japanese children on the theme of Êarst plateau Akiyoshi
- International conference discusses the preservation and development of karst territories (in Bulgarian)
- Announced the prizes in the International Competition „Êarst under protection – gift for the future generations“ (in Bulgarian)
- Conference „Protected karst territories – monitoring and management” in Bulgaria (in Czech)
- Results from the 1st International Scientific Conference in Bulgaria about Protected Karst Territories (in Bulgarian)
- Participation of Japanese children with drawings of Akiyoshi karst plateau, Yamaguchi, Japan in the international competition "Karst under protection - gift for the future generations" (in Bulgarian)
- Limestone Landscape "Yorkshire Dales" National Park, UK (Karst Lessons) (in Bulgarian)
- „Êarst under protection – gift for the future generations“ - Results from the International Competition (in Bulgarian)
- First scientific forum in Âulgaria àbout Ðrotected Êarst Territories