Evaluation and ranking

Questions and tasks in the competition will be prepared by an international committee appointed by the Organizing Committee. For the three competitive rounds, including: a) written and multimedia test; b) field tasks, and c) solving a given case study (simulated problem situation in a real environment), three separate subcommittees will be organized.

They will be led by a chairman who coordinates the process of creating test assignments and evaluation criteria. The Organizing Committee:
  • approves the questions and tasks of the competition, developed by the subcommittees;
  • controls the activities providing for the procedures for assessing the test and practical tasks;
  • approves the jury of the competition and the rules on which the participants are evaluated and ranked.

The members of the commission shall certify with a declaration that there are no circumstances that would lead to a violation of the principle of objective evaluation and non-dissemination of information related to the competition issues and tasks prior to their official announcement.

Criteria for evaluation and ranking are developed by the Organizing Committee. Grading is done on a point system.


Jury at the Main Event
It is formed with the participation of:
- representatives of the Commission for preparing questions and tasks (as evaluators);
- the manager and mentor of each team (as evaluators) *;
- representatives of the Organizing Committee (as observers).
* The team manager and mentor do not evaluate the performance of their own team.
Specialized juries of additional competition events

They are formed by specially invited professionals in the respective competition field. They evaluate the individual performances of the participants selected by the teams for the respective events.

Final Ranking

The teams will be evaluated by point system. The maximum number of points in the final ranking is 300, gathered by the assessment of:
  • the theoretical knowledge of each team member (first round of the competition) - a written and multimedia test, respectively 15% and 10% (up to 45 and up to 30 points);
  • field tasks solved as a team (second round) - 35% (up to 105 points)
  • public defense of a practical case (third round) - 30% (up to 90 points);
  • individual presentation of the participants in the additional three competition events - 10% (up to 30 points, 10 points per event respectively).


Students from the first, second and third ranked teams receive a diploma and a medal, and the other teams - a certificate of participation.
Winners of individual competition events will receive additional prizes.
A special prize will be awarded for a bright personal performance during the competition.