First day (August 4, 2019, Sunday): Opening
- Arrival and accommodation of participants in Teteven.
- Cultural program: Excursion to the Kostina area (Ribaritsa).
- Official opening of the competition (Sava Mladenov Square in Teteven). Greetings and team presentation.
- Concert of folklore ensembles from Cherni Vit village.
- Welcome Dinner Welcome to Teteven - Host: Teteven Team
Second day (August 5, 2019, Sunday): First round of competition
Tomorrow's program:- Testing the theoretical knowledge of the karst and karst systems competitors (Sava Mladenov NPGSD)
- Cultural program for the guests of the competition and the team leaders - a visit to cultural and historical sites in Teteven (in time for the test inspection of the student teams).
- Testing of theoretical knowledge about karst and karst systems (Sava Mladenov NPGSDD)
- Accompanying racing events: Sports competition at Adrenalin Adventure Park. Event time - 2 hours.
- Cultural program: Dating Night (Sava Mladenov National Park, Ecology Hall): teams present themselves.
Third day (August 6, 2019, Tuesday): Second competition
- Field observations, studies and experiments along a defined route in karst terrain to test practical skills in solving research problems: Along the water path: the Vit river canyons, the landfill and the reloading station near Glozhene, the Nanovitsa karst swamp, the Saeva dupka cave (infiltration and condensation karst waters), the Karst Plav Head.
- Accompanying training: What is the karst geosystem and What are the karst processes - field lectures with demonstration of field research methods.
- Visitors to the Golden Penta Cement Plant - an example of green production.
- Accompanying racing events: Orienteering on the map at Saeva Dupka Cave. Time is found to find a point marked on the map of the cave.
- Processing of collected data and results of demonstration studies.
Day Four (August 7, 2019, Wednesday): Third competition Round
Practical Case Solution (Sava Mladenov NPGSD) - Teams receive on paper (in a sealed envelope) a description of a problem situation and related specific tasks for which they can offer optimal solutions
Tomorrow's program- Preparing the decision. Working time - 3 hours.
- Cultural program for the guests of the competition and team leaders - visit to cultural and historical sites in the vicinity of Teteven
- Public defense of the decisions of the teams (Large Conference Hall of the Sava Mladenov National Park) - in the presence of guests from the municipalities of Teteven and Yablanitsa. Presentation time - 30 minutes, of which 10 minutes for questions from the audience and answers.
- Accompanying event: author's presentation of the works by Art Studio in the open air: The attractiveness of karst.
- Cultural program: Visit to the Prohodna cave near the village of Karlukovo; Meetings with representatives of the local public in Teteven; Dating Evening (Sava Mladenov National Park): the guests of the competition present themselves.
Day Five (August 8, 2019, Thursday) Cultural Program
- Excursion for the participants and guests of the competition to the natural and cultural-historical landmarks in the Devetash Plateau - another classic karst region in Bulgaria.
- Formal Dinner "Until New Meetings in Karst" (Sava Mladenov NPGSD).
Day Six (9 August 2019, Friday) Closing of the competition
- Ceremony for announcing the results of the competition and awarding the winners ("Sava Mladenov" National Art Gallery)
- Farewell and departure of participants.
For more information, see the photo gallery