Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. (Latin)
Not because of school, but because of life we learn.
The International Competition for students "Karst - the Last White Spot on the planet Earth" is another original Bulgarian initiative from the specialized strategy ProKARSTerra-Edu. It is being developed by the Experimental Laboratory of Karstology at NIGG-BAS in international cooperation and aims at more active inclusion of karst themes in the educational system, incl. through innovative forms. The idea for this competition was presented at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Protected Karst Territories - Education and Training" (23-26 September 2015, Sofia) and was approved by all participants. At the end of December 2018, the competition was also supported by UNESCO (through the NIGGG-BAS project under the Participation Program 2018-2019).
The competition is designed for students aged 16 to 19 with preferences for different subjects / fields of study, but united by a team with a lasting interest in karst. The first competition was experimentally conducted in August 2019 on the territory of a karst representative geosystem in Bulgaria.