The first International Student Competition "Karst - the last white spot on the planet Earth" completed successfully
From August 4th to 9th, 2019 in the town of Teteven and on the territory of Brestnik Karst Geosystem successfully started the new International Competition for High School students. It included 5 student teams - 4 from Bulgaria (Burgas, Dobrich, Teteven and Yablanitsa) and 1 from Latvia.
The planned 3 Competition rounds (for team work) and the additional 3 Competition events (for individual participation) were held. The competition was judged by an International Jury chaired by Dr. Sygrid Vogel (Germany).
After the final ranking gold medals and diplomas were awarded to the team of Burgas (Goethe GLHS). Silver medals received the Dobrich (NMHS "Iv. Vazov") and bronze medals the team of Latvia. In the general opinion of the participants and guests of the Competition, it passed with very high enthusiasm and evoked strong positive emotions.
The results of the competition are optimistic and prove the strategic importance of this original innovative educational form. Detailed information about the Competition and a lot of illustrative material are available on this site, which is in the process of updating.
Information about this Competition with many pictures is also available on the website of Teteven municipality
A special presentation of the results of the Competition, as well as the opinions and feedback from the participants themselves, will be included in the Program of the Plenary session (September 29, 2019) at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Protected Karst Areas - Legislation, Tourism, Monitoring" (http://prokarstterra.bas.bg/forum2019).
August 15, 2019
The fourth edition of the International Competition "Karst under Protection – Gift for the future generations" was completed. We received 204 contest works by 255 authors from 14 countries. Their evaluation by the International Jury is pending. The final ranking will be known after June 30, 2019.
The laureates in the competition categories will be invited as special guests at the First international student competition "Karst - the last white spots on the planet Earth” (4-9 August 2019, Teteven). Their daily costs will be covered by the prize pool of the competition.
24 May 2019
Due to the increasing interest in this competition and the short time for the formation of teams, the deadline for pre-application is extended until 31 May 2019. The Application form should be completed and sent until this date to the contact addresses.
The registration deadline for participants remains unchanged - 21 June 2019. Registration will be done by filling in a registration form, which will be sent only to participants who have submitted a pre-application. Registration fee will not be paid. All organizational costs will be paid by the organizers, incl. transport from Sofia to Teteven and back, as well as expenses during the competition.
Participants will pay only for accommodation and meals. Payments will be made on the spot.
It is possible to use the student boarding house of the National Professional High School of Forestry and Woodworking "Sava Mladenov" in Teteven. Participants can also stay in hotels in Teteven. For more information, please see Accommodation.
Please do not wait for the latest deadlines for application and registrations.
10 May 2019