Objectives of the Competition
- To propose a new and different form to the existing international competitions;
- To bring together a team of students with skills in various scientific fields but with a lasting interest in karst and emotionally motivated to work in an attractive environment. Together to build on the acquired knowledge in different subjects, to understand the connections between the learned and to apply in problematic situations in a real environment;
- to apply research methods in solving specific problems in natural terrain;
- To motivate teachers in different subjects and with different professional specialization to work and experiment with options for cross-curricular relationships through karst. Their effectiveness is subject to verification and evaluation in a competitive environment by solving a practical case in real-life conditions in unfamiliar karst territory;
- To establish lasting links between education, science and practice / karst territories management through collaborative work between teachers in different teaching subjects preparing the team and their mentor / scientific consultant;
- To involve in the preparation, organization and holding of the Competition active professional cavemen, who will subsequently invite students with outstanding abilities into the composition of their cave clubs;
- To stimulate the overall development and enrichment of the participants as individuals - through the possibility of individual expression and self-proving (creativity and striving for enrichment and accumulation of new knowledge, diligence, physical endurance and mental stability, will, purposefulness, spatial orientation, artistic skills, artistic skills etc.), but also through rapprochement within the team and between teams (communicativeness and desire to share knowledge and experience, responsibility, tolerance, ethics, mutual assistance).
Specific objectives:
- To motivate students to acquire basic knowledge about the karst and karst systems of the Earth, about their structure and the active processes that take place in them;
- To stimulate and develop an increased interest in all scientific aspects of karst and through its specificity - awareness of the nature of the Earth and the interdisciplinary nature of research;
- To c a new attractive competition environment to motivate further gifted students to develop new teamwork skills and to realize through karst the benefits of synergism ("1 + 1 # 2");
- To stimulate and encourage gifted students to further develop their karst talents and to promote scientific careers in karstology and speleology;
- To strengthen and develop international contacts in the field of karst and to promote future scientific cooperation;
- To make the possibilities to compare curricula and educational trends in current scientific knowledge about karst in the participating countries;
- To create a new platform for friendship between students from all over the world, united by a common interest in karst.