Organizational structure

The organization and implementation of the Competition is coordinated by the Experimental Karstology Laboratory of the NIGGG-BAS, and through an Organized Committee with international participation and relevant committees.

The Organizing Committee selects a special committee and approves the questions and tasks it has developed for the competition, approves the jury of the competition and the rules by which the participants are evaluated and ranked. Subcommittees may also be formed within the committee for the three competition rounds:

a) a written and multimedia test;
b) field tasks;
c) solving a given practical case (problematic situation in a real environment).

The organization and conducting of the competition is supported by 2 more committees set up and managed by the organizing committee:

  • Committee on the safety of the field events during the competition;
  • Technical Assistance and Logistics Commission with the participation of pre-selected and trained volunteers.

The Organizing Committee chooses the venue and time for the competition and approves the requests for participation of the teams according to the regulation of the competition. The committee reviews and approves the results of the teams ranking and provides and distributes the prize pool to the participants.