September 23, 2019 - Hall "Prof. Marin Drinov ”in the Central Building of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia Solemn session of the International Scientific and Practical Conference“ Protected Karst Territories - Legislation, Tourism, Monitoring ”: Announcement of the results of the fourth edition of the competition (2019) and presentation of the winners works. Awarding winners of the competition.
Photos: S. Stefanova, Ts. Ostromski
September 23, 2015 - The Great Hall in the Central Building of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Sofia:
Solemn session of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Protected Karst Territories - Training and Education". Announcing the results of the Third edition of the Competition and presentation of the award-winning works. Presentation and awarding of laureates from the Competition.
Photos: K. Terziev, S. Dimitrov, S. Vogel
National Museum of Natural History, BAS - Sofia
Opening of an exhibition of winning works from international competition "Karst under protection - gift for the future generations" (23 September - 11 October 2015). Presentation of the Art-Composition "Phantom in Karst - III" of artists from Japan.
Photos: K. Terziev, S. Dimitrov, S. Vogel
June 2, 2014. Central building of BAS – Sofia, Bulgaria
Forum “ProKARSTerra`2014”: Presentation of the Competition and the first edition of the Exhibition Catalog with works from the competition. Opening of the exhibition (2-6 June 2014) with honors works of competitions 2005 and 2012.
Announcement of the Third edition of the competition (2015).
September 17, 2012. Regional Library – Shumen, Bulgaria
Ceremonial session of the International scientific-practical conference
“Protected karst territories – monitoring and management”: Announcement of results of the Second edition of the competition (2012). Awarding of the winners. Presentations of prize winners.
Opening of an exhibition (17-20 September 2012) of the context awarded works.
December 20, 2005. National Museum “Earth and Man” – Sofia, Bulgaria
Opening of the exhibition (20-30 December 2005) with honors works from the competition. Awarding of the winners.
October 20, 2005. Regional Library – Shumen, Bulgaria
Ceremonial session of the International scientific conference “Protected karst territories – conditions, problems, perspectives”:
Announcement of results of the Competition.
Opening of an exhibition (20-28 October 2005) with awarded works of the competition.
Meeting with the children of Shumen and the Shumen region.