The idea for the competition arose about the First international conference in Bulgaria, dedicated to protected karst territories: “Protected karst territories - conditions, problems, perspectives (October 18-21, 2005, Shumen, Bulgaria). The contest was included into the Conference program. At a special ceremonial session prizes were awarded to the winners and the best works were officially presented at an exhibition in the city of Shumen and later in other Bulgarian cities (Sofia, Gabrovo, Stara Zagora). (photos)
1. For pupils: 1.1. Up to12 years old: — Drawing or work with natural materials 1.2. Over 12 years old: — Poster / Card 2. For teachers: — My unusual lesson 3. For students: — Scientific essay 4. For nature lovers, photographers: — Composition (3 to 5 photos)
In the first contest held in 2005 participants from Bulgaria, Japan and Scotland (UK) offered works. Professor Nakano and his students from the Yamaguchi University presented an original exhibition “Phantom in Karst”.
Professor Wieczeslaw ANDREJCZUK, Dr.Hab. – Chairman (Geographer, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia, Poland), Associate professor Yoshihia NAKANO, PhD (Artist, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Peter STEFANOV (Geographer, Institute of Geography – BAS, Foundation Center of Karstology "Vladimir Popov" and “Geographic Education” Journal, Bulgaria), Darina IVANOVA (Biologist, Directorate of Nature Park “Shumen Plateau”, Shumen, Bulgaria), Daniel DIMOV (Painter, Shumen, Bulgaria).
- Originality of the idea realized with this work (creative achievement)
- Knowledge of Karst
- Artistic value
- Emotionality
- Technical skills (Technique)
- Professional autonomy in making
The International jury awarded 6 prizes (3 first, 2 second and 1 third) and 1 encouraging prize.
First prize:
- Kurumi Tawara, Shuho Cho, Yamaguchi prefecture, Japan – Category Pictures for Students: Loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) in the Akiyoshi karst
- Nikolina Georgieva, Chepelare, Bulgaria – Category Poster for Students: “The Phodope karst”
- Val Vannet, Dunee, Scotland (UK) – Category My unusual lesson: “Limestone landscapes – Yorkshire Dales National park”
Honorary Diploma for outstanding participation in the competition was awarded to a group of children from Shuho Cho elementary school (Japan), including: Toshihiro Ueyama, Yoichi Katayama and Mayu Sato (Yamaguchi university, Japan) for the composition “Phantom in Karst”.
The prize pool for the first edition of the competition was provided by the Directorate of Nature Park “Shumen Plateau”, Shumen, Bulgaria.